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Cyber liability insurance for small & medium sized businesses

Backed by a multi-billion dollar insurance partner, DataStream is a cyber insurance brokerage tailored towards SMBs (Small and Medium Sized Businesses). 

DataStream provides broad coverages for first-party and third-party losses, including data breach, ransomware, cybercrime, cyber terrorism, and risk analysis tools.

What Can DataStream Do For Your Business?


minutes to compare cyber insurance policies


cyber insurance carriers compared to ensure maximum cyber coverage & lowest cost


risk factors analyzed to determine your needed coverage

Data Breaches

Data breach response and remediation, including legal defense costs, customer, IT forensics, crisis media relations support and necessary work with regulators and authorities.

Third party liability

DataStream Cyber Insurance third party coverage covers losses and damages to third parties, such as customers or related businesses, resulting from a data breach.

Business interruption

We cover the costs of getting your business operating again, including bricking costs, compromised data, financial losses and digital asset damage from a data breach.

Cyber Extortion

If your small business is held hostage by a ransomware attack, your cyber insurance policy should cover the costs involved - from ransoms paid, legal fees, regulatory fines or specialist IT experts.

Helping small businesses survive and thrive in the digital world

DataStream Cyber Insurance provides comprehensive cybersecurity coverage. Our team of cyber insurance specialists can work directly with small business owners and cyber security experts, MSPs, and decision makers in your organization to ensure your business has the coverage it needs in the event of a data breach.

Protect your customer data

Our team of experts will ensure you get an accurate and comprehensive cyber risk assessment. This allows us to provide you with the exact amount of cybersecurity insurance coverage you need—no more, no less.

Partner with a leading cyber insurance provider

DataStream Cyber Insurance takes time to listen to your unique small business needs and to build a tailored cyber liability insurance quote that reflects the current cyber threat landscape. Not only do we have your back post-incident, but we also work with you pre-incident, making you more resilient to data breaches and cyber risks.
DataStream Cyber Insurance prides itself on specializing in cyber liability insurance (also commonly referred to as cybersecurity liability insurance) for small-to-medium sized businesses. Protect your business from cyber attacks with customized policies from 40+ insurance carriers.
DataStream Cyber Insurance ensures that your small business can obtain cybersecurity insurance, network security coverage for network security failure and lost income. DataStream is the cyber insurance company that prioritizes your peace of mind.

Peace of mind

There’s a sense of calm that comes from knowing you have the best cyber liability insurance protection in case of a data breach. DataStream Cyber Insurance acts as a true partner, going above and beyond to protect your business and ensure you have the most comprehensive insurance coverage in place.

More than cyber insurance

In addition to offering critical cyber liability insurance support to our customers post-incident, we also work with them pre-data breach to build resilience. This dual approach makes small businesses better able to withstand any cyber attack.

Cyber Posture Audit

A robust cyber posture is essential for obtaining the best cyber insurance cost and coverage. Find out how secure your business data is.
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Cyber Insurance Risk Assessment

Discover your company's vulnerabilities, the likelihood of a breach, how to reduce risk, and compare cyber risk with your competitors.

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Cyber Incident Response Plan Builder

A robust Cyber Incident Response Plan is your best defense in the immediate aftermath of an attack. DataStream Cyber Insurance helps you craft a custom policy that is based on your business size, industry, and likelihood of an attack.

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Existing Cyber Insurance Policy Review

DataStream Cyber Insurance provides an Existing Policy Review service, where we evaluate your current cyber liability insurance protection and pinpoint gaps where you may be vulnerable to a cyber event. Our goal is to ensure you're comprehensively protected, filling in the spaces where traditional cyber liability insurance policies might fall short.
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Find out if your existing cyber liability coverage is sufficient enough to protect you in the event of a data breach.

Let's Chat

Take the first step towards securing your business online by scheduling a consultation with DataStream today. Our team of experts is ready to help protect your business against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.